Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Update #1 on GBE and Webster County Ethanol Plant

An update on the controversy surrounding Citizens of Rogersville ( Webster County) MO vs. Gulfstream Bioflex Energy, November 2006, is reported by Wes Johnson and Donna Baxter in the Springfield New Leader, Wells will be safe, company vows. They quote GBE President James Kaiman as saying that, Gulfstream Bioflex Energy promises to drill neighbors' wells deeper if the company's proposed ethanol plant used too much water.

Ethanol plant foes pack courtroom
The Marshfield Mail reports on the lawsuit filed by a grass roots group (Citizens for Groundwater Protection of Webster County) against Gulfstream Bioflex Energy, which wants to locate a $165 million ethanol plant between Rogersville and Fordland. This is a great resource document for identifying issues in the case.

GBE withdraws preliminary request for air permit
The Springfield Business Journal, Matt Wagner reports that Gulfstream Bioflex Energy LLC,(GBE) a Mount Vernon company hoping to build a corn-based ethanol plant near Rogersville has temporarily withdrawn its request for air modeling inventories in Newton, Jasper and McDonald counties, a state official said. Last month, GBE notified the Missouri Department of Natural Resources that the inventories, a preliminary step toward an air pollution permit, were not a priority, said Permits Section Chief Kyra Moore. The company’s move does not rule out future plant proposals by GBE in those counties, she said. “Newton, Jasper and McDonald counties are not our main focus at this time.”


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