Citizens of Rogersville ( Webster County) MO vs. Gulfstream Bioflex Energy
The Columbia Daily Tribune, Sunday, November 18, 2006, reports on another Ozark Aquafer issue. Gulfstream Bioflex Energy (GBE) wants to build a $165 million ethanol plant (located at U.S. 60 and Porter Crossing Road) in Rogersville, MO. The Groundwater Impact Committee, appointed by the Webster County (MO) Commission to investigate the proposed plant, maintains that the plant would suck so much groundwater from the area that nearby residents would have to dig deeper wells to supply water for their homes.
Bob Schultheis (one of five members of the Groundwater Impact Committee), prepared a report on the impact that the proposed ethanol plant would have on the region, Groundwater Impact Statement Concerning the Proposed Ethanol Plant. The report concluded that "it is difficult to refute the fact that southwest Webster County is among the portions of Missouri where an ethanol plant would have greatest potential for negatively impacting groundwater quality and availability."
Gulfstream Bioflex Energy
Greg Wilmoth, CEO, Mt. Vernon (Lawrence County) MO.
Jeff Negre, V.P.
Charles Luna, V.P.
Richard Quint, Sr. V.P. (Walton Construction Co-Springfield, MO)
Brett Carlgren, Engineer
Byran Wade, Atty (Husch & Eppenberger LLC-Springfiled, MO)
Jason Smith, Atty. for defendants
Groundwater Impact Committee
Bob Schultheis, Chair
Larry Alberty
Karen Asher
Joe Blaine
Joyce Noland
Citizens for Ground Water Protection
William McDonald, Atty. for plantiffs
Questions & Answers about the Proposed Ethanol Plant Webster County (MO) Groundwater Impact Committee. This is an excellent information resource regarding the project, including maps, contact information, geology, and the Ozark aquafer.
Ethanol Battle Becomes David vs. Goliath story, Springfield News Leader (MO) This article describes the court battle, the injunction, and the issues.
Blunt Brothers Deny Connection to Cousin's Ethanol Plant, Springfield Business Journal. This article refers to GBE's family ties to MO Goveror Matt Blunt, and US Representative Roy Blunt.
Christian County Residents Fuel Plant Concerns , US Cavers Forum. This blog/bulletin board provides a comprehensive look at the project, the principals, and the environmental concerns.
Please let me know how I can help stop the ethanol plant from becoming a reality in Missouri. I would not be opposed to a cooperatively owned wind farm, even if it means a state tax.
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