Monday, February 05, 2007

Athens State Park (Clark County, MO), Terry Daw Farms, CAFO's & Cargill

Who's Who:

CAFO Operator/Applicant:
Terry Daw Farms, RR#1 Box 40, Revere, (Clark County) MO. 63465
EPA Facility Registration System (FRS): MOR108586, MOG010673
Missouri Stormwater Permit dated 08/11/2006, expires 02/07/2007

CARGILL, operates hog slaughtering plants in Ottumwa, Iowa and Beardstown, IL. They are trying to develop 30 contract feeding operations in northern Missouri and western Illinois, according to Tim Steinkamp, business development manager for Cargill. The two processing plants each can kill and process 18,000 hogs a day, five days a week, according to Mark Klein, Cargill spokesman. Cargill operates a feed mill at Montgomery City (Montgomery County, MO) that will serve farmers who will build the buildings and operate the feeding operations.

The Battle of Athens II - Pigs vs. Parks This is a group of citizens in North East Missouri where Cargill and Terry Daw, are planning to build a 5,000 head hog factory 1.5 miles from Battle of Athens State Park. "It simply does not make sense that the people of Missouri have invested millions of dollars in creating and protecting our parks, and the same DNR that is charged with protecting them freely gives permits to large corporations to damage our parks. You have a voice that can help tip the scale in the direction of protecting our parks and our way of life. We can rise to the occasion and design our futures from the inside out, and not let the state government, unelected bureaucrats, and large companies design it for us from the outside in. We must join together to make our own BIG STINK." Betty Halberstadt

It's not hog heaven near giant farms,, Sylvia Carter describes a Cargill hog CAFO in Scotland Couty, MO.

CAFO splits neighbors, Danny Henley, Hannibal Courrier Post, describes the New London (Ralls County, Missouri) debate over "confined animal feeding operations", and how they are becomingly increasingly contentious across Missouri.

State of Missouri vs. Cargill, Inc. A Copy of the Audrain County Missouri $160,000 Consent Judgement for illegally dumping hog wastes into Loutre River, a tributary of the Missouri River.

Hog Wars: Part 4, The Environment(...and factory farms) This article is taken from the Missouri Rural Crisis Center publication "Hog Wars: The Corporate Grab for Control of the Hog Industry and How Citizens are Fighting Back". It addresses the waste, odor, gasses, air, water, soil, food safety concerns and animal welfare.


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