Saturday, December 31, 2005

MOARK LLC (Newton County, MO Battlefield)

No environmental battleground is better organized that the Southwest Missouri Citizens Against Local MOARK Expansion (SWMCALME), Neosho, (Newton County) MO. . This is about chickens, and MOARK's attempt to increase it's operations from 2.6 million to a 5 million chicken CAFO. But it is about a lot more, too. The residents in Jasper, Newton and McDonald Counties are justly concerned about their air quality, their water quality and the potential contamination to their land. Late last year, and earlier this year, communities in Kansas and Oklahoma rejected MOARK's plans to expand in those states because MOARK had violated Missouri environmental laws for years.

To view a summary of MOARKā€™s abysmal environmental record at its three existing Missouri operations, click on the links below:
MOARK 7 complex, Newton County
MOARK Anderson complex, McDonald County
MOARK Topnotch complex, Jasper County

Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Director, Mr. Doyle Childers, approved MOARK's application to expand its operation on November 1, 2005.

I have set up a link to Southwest Missouri Citizens Against MOARK Expansion initiatives, to the right.


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