Friday, December 30, 2005

Where Do We Begin?

The Kansas City Star, Friday, December 30, 2005,, includes an article about corporate agriculture in Missouri, and what is likely to be the biggest environmnental battleground of 2006. The article mentiones several goups that are already organized and attempting to educate Missourians about the situation, the problems, and some solutions. They include Missouri Rural Crisis Center (MRCC) and Citizens Against Polluting the Environment (CAPE).

The Kirksville Daily Express, Friday December 30, 2005, includes an article about Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) in northeast Missouri. The article mentions other groups trying to promote environmental conciousness, practices and stewardship, including Missourians For Local Control (MFLC).

As we reflect on 2005, now is the time to begin planning for 2006. Obviously, there are initiatives underway to promote education, the environment and what is right for Missouri and Missourians. By collaborating, by communicating and by coordinating efforts and initiatives, we will be more successful in cleaning up what has already happened, and preventing problems in the future. What can you do help Missouri? Are you ready to get involved? I am!


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